SFH Breathwork Coaching

Optimise performance in all aspects of your life with SFH Breathwork

SFH Breathwork specialises in helping individuals, teams, and corporates to improve their performance, health and general wellbeing through breathwork training. SFH works specifically across three domains: Sports, Focus and Health. Training programs are individually created to include some or all of the above areas depending on the client(s) specific goals.


Once you take the “red pill” on how to breathe, you can perform to the optimum and improve recovery

– Israel Adesanya, UFC Middleweight champion

Whether you are a sports professional, amateur athlete, or someone who is generally interested in fitness and performance, breathwork training is essential to maximising your potential

Most of us are unaware that eighty percent of the population have a breathing dysfunction and have developed inefficient breathing patterns over the years. Most of us, including personal trainers and fitness coaches are also unaware that you can have a relatively high level of cardiovascular fitness but still have dysfunctional breathing patterns. We can’t “out-train” poor breathing patterns by simply continuing to work on cardiovascular fitness, however, we can significantly improve cardiovascular fitness by improving our breathing functionality.

By teaching scientifically proven breathing exercises and techniques, I can help you maximise and optimise your performance in sports by improving your respiratory biochemistry, breathing mechanics and inner mental focus.

check_circle Become fitter and stronger
check_circle Improve both aerobic and anaerobic capacity
check_circle Reduce breathlessness during sports
check_circle Get into the “zone” with acute mental clarity and focus pre-competition and/or during competition


When Sleep is poor, the mind is busy. When breathing is poor, the mind is busy. When the mind is busy, attention span goes out of the window.

– Patrick Mckeown, Atomic Focus 2021

A key element to achieving success in any of our lives at any age from school age upwards and across any profession is the ability to focus, concentrate and hold attention for a significant period of time, without getting distracted. In our modern world, this is easier said than done, given the sheer number of daily distractions we are faced with that compete for our attention, often minute to minute with notifications from email inboxes, Whatsapp, Instagram and many other platforms.

If you want to improve your focus, concentration, and attention span, you first need to improve your sleep. Through breathwork, I can help you improve the quality of your sleep and in turn help you develop and sharpen cognitive functions which are essential for success. Abilities such as attention span, innovative thinking, decision making, memory and being calm and controlled in stressful situations. These are all essential skills in the modern professional world and in day-to-day life.

My breathwork training programs will help you:

check_circle Improve your sleep
check_circle Deal with stress better
check_circle Enhance critical cognitive functions that are essential for success
check_circle Improve focus, concentration, and attention span


“Improper breathing is a common cause of ill health. If I had to limit my advice on healthier living to just one tip, it would be to simply learn how to breathe correctly. There is no single more powerful, or more simple, daily practice to further your health and wellbeing then breathwork”

– Andrew Weil MD

Studies show that stress is a common risk factor in 75-90% of all human illnesses. It has also been discovered by scientists that there is a direct relationship between mental stress, inflammation, and long-term disease. We directly influence our emotional state and levels of stress through the practise of breathing exercises and therefore reduce mental stress and inflammation and in turn, mitigate long-term illness and prime our body for better long-term health.

Our mental health and well-being can also be directly influenced through breathwork. People suffering with anxiety and depression have a much higher chance of developing improper breathing habits due to the development a cyclical negative feedback loop between the actual feeling of panic attacks, anxiety, and depression. Then, as breathing worsens further, the stress response is much more easily triggered which then leads to further and often stronger feelings of anxiety and panic attacks.

If you suffer from panic attacks, anxiety, or depression I can help manage and alleviate some of the symptoms and underlying causes through developing and teaching you a daily breathwork program.

check_circle Improve symptoms of asthma, anxiety, depression, stress and panic disorder
check_circle Decongest your nose
check_circle Improve sleep quality, snoring and sleep apnea
check_circle Reduce inflammation and improve immune function
check_circle Help prevent the onset of and improve the symptoms and underlying causes of many long term illnesses, such as: diabetes, high blood pressure, long covid and back pain

SFH Training Programmes

All SFH Programmes are custom made, tailored for each individual’s needs and goals.
However, each programme will include:

What clients are saying

 Reach your optimal life performance by training with SFH Breathwork